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International Project: Select a country. Introduce a new product (an American product) to that country. Develop and present a complete marketing plan. Emphasize culture, customs, food, décor, etc.; the differences and uniqueness.

**The project should be a 3 – 5 page paper on one of the class projects choices listed following the APA format. It must be typed in no larger than 12 point and double spaced. It must have a title and reference page (that does not count as a page of the paper). Student papers must be readable and grammatically correct with no spelling errors. Projects/presentations should clearly state the purpose of the presentation, be well organized and be professionally presented; students should write clearly, stay focused and to the point, accomplish the stated objectives, apply class concepts and supply sufficient supporting detail, be engaging in style, use high quality & effective visual aids, be creative in style & content, use APA formatting with identifying details including name of project & student(s). Point values and further details are listed in the rubric.